Recent issues
Absolute Batman #1 5th Ptg Cvr A Jim Lee
Absolute Batman #2 3rd Ptg Nic k Dragotta
Absolute Batman #3 2nd Ptg Nic k Dragotta
Absolute Batman #5 Cvr A Nick Dragotta
Absolute Batman #5 Cvr B Joell e Jones Csv
Absolute Batman #5 Cvr C Ian B ertram Csv
Absolute Batman #5 Cvr D Inc 1 :25 Nikolas Draper-Ivey Csv
Absolute Batman #5 Cvr E Inc 1 :50 Clay Mann & Seth Mann Csv
Batman #610 Facsimile Edition Cvr A Jim Lee
Batman #610 Facsimile Edition Cvr B Jim Lee Foil Var
Batman And Robin #18 Cvr A Jav ier Fernandez
Batman And Robin #18 Cvr B Ari el Olivetti Csv
Batman And Robin #18 Cvr C Aar on Bartling Csv
Batman And Robin (2023) Tp Vol 02 Growing Pains
Batman Dark Patterns #3 (Of 12 ) Cvr A Hayden Sherman